пятница, 16 сентября 2011 г.

places to visit in pakistan::These are the holy places of religions places to visit in pakistan

places to visit in pakistan places to visit in pakistan::These are the holy places of religions.
Islam is the second largest religion in the world after christianity.
There are 1570 to 1650 million followers of islam is this world.
Mosque is the holy place of muslims where the muslims not just offer prayers but it is also a place of preaching islam and has great social importance.
Muslims have very spiritual and emotional attachment with the mosques.
Muslims around the world have built beautiful mosques.
In this respect muslim architects have done some great work.
This great work was started hundreds of years back in history.
Mughal architecture has great importance in the islamic architecture history.
One of the great examples of mughal architecture is badshahi mosque in lahore, pakistan.
The construction of this beautiful mosque took two years and completed in 1673.
The construction work was done under the supervision of the governor of that time, muzaffar hussain who was the foster brother of aurangzeb.
The mosque has faced different kinds of situations under different rules.
It remained under the mughal rule from 1673 to 1752.
Then in 1799 sikhs took control of lahore.
This was the time when mosque was severely damaged.
Rajnit singh used the court of the mosque as stable for his horses.
Then the british rule came and used the mosque for same purpose as used by the sikh rulers.
When pakistan came into being in 1947 the mosque was getting piecemeal repair works.
It took almost 21 years to restore the mosque to its original shape from 1939 to 1960.
By 1960 it was full restored with the total cost of 4.
The mosque was not only the largest mosque in lahore but the largest mosque in the world till 1986.

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